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Projects of the Society

The focus of the Society has shifted from routine maintenance to more long-term improvement projects. In 2018, the group asked the City to assume responsibility for the mowing of the city-owned cemetery and for the leveling and seeding of new graves. This has allowed the Society to undertake yearly improvement and beautification projects. Among recent projects are bank stabilization along a portion of the western boundary of the cemetery, drainage improvements and complete reseeding of deteriorated areas of the cemetery grounds. Volunteers have also spent countless hours removing brush and invasive vegetation from the areas surrounding the burial grounds.

Other ongoing projects include....

Block 1
Waterway Issues

Block 1 is the oldest block in the cemetery and has withstood time and weather since the creation of the cemetery over 135 years ago. One of the projects that the Society would like to address during 2023 is the water erosion and drainage issues  at the back of lot 1.

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